DEN - Deutsches Energieberater-Netzwerk e.V.

About us (EN)

Das Deutsche Energieberater-Netzwerk e.V. / The German energy consultant's network

The German energy consultant’s network (DEN) is a union of engineers, architects and technicians. The common scope of work connects all members: Conseling and planning achievements for power-saving building activities and modernising of buildings as well as the optimisation of energy efficiency in the trade and in local authority districts.

Since the establishment of the association in 2001/2002, more than 1.200 offices joined the network and offer their services all over Germany.


Another common characteristic of the network is the neutrality and independence: The members draw no commissions or other purpose-engaged allowances of manufactures, craftsmen or traders with their work. Since an independent consultation makes simply sure – and helps to make the right decisions at the right time.

Also the industry recognises that an independent advice is more caused. This is why a growing part of the networks budget comes from sustaining memberships of famous manufactures of power-saving building products.

The association makes available a common platform for its members – together a lot is simply better and more favourably. This isn’t valid only for shopping communities or the insurance cover, but also for the offer of our customers: Knowledge transfer and the common treatment of national orders on local or nationwide networks create market advantages.

Our certified members provide their knowledge and their comprehensive experience also as consultants in our DEN-academy, the educational institution of the German energy consultant’s network (DEN).

The board of directors

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Jutta M. Betz

As an energy consultant, Jutta Betz is also a founding member of the German Energy Advisory Network and was previously active as the state spokeswoman for DEN e.V. in Bavaria and a member of the board of directors. A major concern for her is quality assurance for energy consulting and the professional profile, which she also pursues within DEN e.V. (DEN-QS). In addition to expanding the network and service for members, she also focuses on promoting young talent and collaborating with other professional associations.


Marita Klempnow

After completing her degree in civil engineering and various activities in the field of energy, she founded “ leben bauen wohnen” an office for building biology and energy consulting. For years Marita Klempnow has been spokeswoman for the board of DEN e.V., especially in Berlin, and since 2020 she has been on the executive board of DEN e.V. Her focus is on representing the interests in Berlin, quality assurance of energy advice and further development of the funding programs. The development of a job profile for energy consultants and a uniform fee schedule are also part of her goals. Together with Mr. Dannecker, she is responsible for the development of the association and lobbying the federal authorities (BMWi, BMU, dena, KfW).

Administration members

Dipl.-Ing. Peter Ackermann-Rost Quedlinburg Landessprecher Brandenburg
Dipl.-Ing. Rolf Canters Murrhardt Landessprecher Baden-Württemberg
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Hermann Dannecker Schömberg Verwaltungsrat
Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Jürgen Friedrich Bad Kreuznach stellvertretender Landessprecher Rheinland-Pfalz
Dipl.-Phys. Birgit Groh Karlsruhe Verwaltungsrat
M. Eng. Dimitri Kleer Magdeburg kommissarischer Landesprecher Sachsen-Anhalt
Dipl.-Ing. / M. Sc. Stefanie Koepsell Leipzig Vorstandssprecherin
Peter Kröger Rechtsupweg stellvertretender Landessprecher Niedersachsen
Dipl.-Ing. Jürgen Lange Paderborn Mitglied Verwaltungsrat
Dipl.-Ing. Sandra Limke Quern Landessprecherin Schleswig-Holstein
me. Holger Lorenz Buseck Landessprecher Hessen
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Siegfried Mayr Thierhaupten Landessprecher Bayern
Dipl.-Ing. Frank-Stefan Meyer Waldrach Landessprecher Saarland
B. Eng. Kathrin Peters Fürstenau Nachwuchssprecherin
me. Peter Preisendörfer Sulzbach stellvertretender Landessprecher Hessen
Dipl.-Ing. Raffael Rackwitz Berlin Landessprecher Berlin
Dipl.-Ing. Dietmar Rieth Neuwied Landessprecher Rheinland-Pfalz
M.A. Winfried Schöffel Weimar Landessprecher Thüringen
Dr. Robert Staiger Auchheim stellvertretender Landessprecher Baden-Württemberg
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Stolze Wendeburg Landessprecher Niedersachsen
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Uenning Ostbevern Landessprecher Nordrhein-Westfalen
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Ulmer Bad Überkingen Verwaltungsrat
Dipl.-Ing. Michael Zarse Castrop-Rauxel stellvertretender Landessprecher Nordrhein-Westfalen

The Office

in Offenbach am Main
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